Our values as a fellowship describe who we are and provide the framework for events, activities, initiatives and projects.

We are committed to reaching the world for Christ. Prevailing churches along with vital ministries should exist in every nation and every culture. Our heart is to see every tongue, every tribe and every nation worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We need each other. As co-laborers in the Kingdom we value the place of authentic, genuine relationships. We believe in providing opportunities to build life-long ministry friendships for support, encouragement and fellowship.

Prayer is the foundation of all we do. We believe that effective and expanding ministry happens in an environment of prayer. The local church is the hope of the world and will only fulfill its calling when we call on God to do what we cannot do.

We value God’s unique call on each leader. Churches and ministries should have the freedom to be self-governing, self-supporting and self-propagating.
We intentionally develop and empower leaders. Leadership is vital to the accomplishment of God’s purpose. We are dedicated to helping men and women lead with skill, character and Spirit-empowerment. We are also committed to raising up the next generation of leadership to fulfill their calling in God. We actively seek ways to shape, support, encourage and train new leaders to plant and pastor churches, lead in staff ministry positions, and develop ministries.