International Ministers

David & Vicenta Cabral, Philippines
David and Vicenta are caring for four young children on a fulltime basis. They also help provide food to the elderly, the needy and to those affected by various Typhoons. Their ministry helps individuals and families establish and maintain sustainable livelihoods as well as providing financial aid to those who cannot afford medical care and dental care. They are also deeply involved with evangelism outreach.

George & Leela C., India
George and Leela established a world-class theological seminary, New Theological College, a dozen satellite training centers, several primary and secondary schools, orphanages, and over 450 churches in north India. George also serves as the President of Good News for India.

Steven & Jennifer Curle, Zimbabwe
Steven and Jennifer Curle have been missionaries in Zimbabwe since 1994. They pastor a church they established in 2012 in Harare. In addition to their pastoral work, they offer food-aid to around 35 impoverished widows. They also support rural communities drilling boreholes to provide clean water and refurbishing local schools. Steven contributes to Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife management by helping to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts.

Jeff & Barbie David, Cuba
Jeff works to strengthen the Cuban evangelical churches by providing theological and educational resources to Cuban pastors and church planters through the use of applied technologies. Jeff has created a network of learning communities in which trained mentors lead cohorts of pastors and church planters through a process of significant learning.

Gary & Karen Green, Mexico
Karen and Gary serve some of the poorest of the poor children in Mexico by providing excellent Christ-centered education through the school they run by the help of the Grace International family. Their hope is to establish an adult training center in the same facilities in the very near future.

Slavic & Tamara Kravchuk, Ukraine
Slavik is originally from Ukraine, and he suffered much for the Gospel under the Communist rule. After living in the US for a time, he went back to Ukraine and started planting churches. With the help of Grace International he built a beautiful church building in Nikolaev. He oversees over more than 58 churches in the region.

Lucas & Tara Levin, Europe, The Middle East, and Africa
Lucas and Tara Levin minister throughout the world ministering and training leaders. They oversee and help 204 churches, 5 Bible Schools, 3 medical clinics and 2 orphanages. Their heart it to help people find their purpose in the presence of God.

Brent & Renea Liebe, Malta
Brent & Renea have been serving in the country of Malta working on church revitalization with the national church. It is a young Christian church that is still developing, and a low number of Christians on the island. Their heart is to plant an international church that shows another side of who God is. They want to show that church can be a place to form community and a place where people can build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Juan Carlos & Fabiana Manzewitsch, Latin America and Europe
Juan Carlos directs Ministerios Vision Internacional. There are over 250 churches under his leadership in Latin America and other countries. He operates Bible schools, plus orphanages in Argentina and Mexico. The Ministry Training Centers are in Argentina, Mexico and Europe, focusing on evangelism, discipleship training, church planting, missions, revival and social work.

Pablo & Ana Manzewitsch, Mexico
Pablo and Ana have been ministry leaders for many years. Pablo is a medical doctor, plus he has a theological degree. They reside in Queretaro, Mexico where they provide apostolic leadership to over 250 churches in Mexico as a part of Ministerios Vision Internacional. They also help develop ministers in Cuba, South America, Spain and Africa by providing ministry training and resources, planting churches, counselling and crises resolution.

Stanley & Sandra Moodley, Southern Africa
Stanley is the President of Grace International Southern Africa, and essentially oversees the work that was started by the Bronkhorsts. He pastors a significant church in South Africa and oversees over 375 churches in Southern Africa.

Caleb & Alyssa Mooney, Central & Latin America
Caleb and Alyssa are Directors of JuveNet International. JuveNet works with hundreds of local churches in 10 Latin American countries to reach, equip, and mobilize young leaders for the Kingdom of God. Specific ministries include youth camps, leadership conferences, educational sponsorships and outreaches, humanitarian aid, and new church plants.

Dario & Cindy Parish, Latin America
Dario serves as the head of Grace International Latin America, with ministries in 25 countries in the world and over 700 local churches, Bible Schools and other related ministries. GI Latin America is now sending missionaries to Europe, Africa, and Asia. Dario also oversees the Spanish Church Planting in the United States.

Troy & Esther Pierce, Japan
Troy & Esther are the daughter and son-in-law of Dave and Naomi Robbins. They joined them in Japan to assist with the church-planting ministry as well as help pastor the congregation that the Robbins pioneered in Togura, Nagano, Japan.

Keith & Radica Ramdass, Trinidad
Keith and Radica pioneered Grace International in the Caribbean with over 10 churches under their leadership in Trinidad and oversee churches in Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. Keith is the founder and chairman of Central Ministers Fellowship, and Chairman of the Advisory Council of Every Home for Christ T&T with a mandate to reach every home in the Caribbean. Their vision is to train leaders and continue to pioneer and plant churches in the Caribbean and South America.

David & Naomi Robbins, Japan
David and Naomi have been missionaries to Japan for more than 30 years. They have faithfully labored in this difficult field in church-planting ministry. They pastor a congregation that they pioneered in Togura, Nagano, Japan.

Skip & Debbie Rotert, Brazil
Skip and Debbie serve as pastors of two congregations that they pioneered in a needy area of Brazil. They are also involved in reaching out to the youth of the area that desperately need the Gospel.

Jeff & Barri Seif, Israel
Doctors Jeff and Barri Seif are Messianic believers and have PhD’s from esteemed theological seminaries. In addition to their theological scholarship, they speak in many locations around the world on Biblical and Messianic topics. They travel and minister extensively in Israel and have a humanitarian ministry, Sar Shalom Israel. The ministry touches both Jews and Arabs by providing blankets to Holocaust survivors, at-risk children, and the elderly. The ministry also provides socks to patients in mental hospitals and stuffed animals to children in hospitals.

Kevin & Jennifer Stebbings, S.E. Asia
Kevin and Jennifer have been serving in S.E. Asia for over fifteen years. Kevin provides leadership development and training for local and international leaders working in S.E. Asia. Kevin assists leaders to be more effective in the harvest field. Jennifer serves among the deaf and disabled through Hearts & Hands. Together they seek to bring the life, love and leadership of Jesus to the communities in which they service.

Thomas & Gladys Ukwute, Nigeria
Thomas is a Grace International national leader. He is responsible for planting over 50 churches, a Bible School and other ministries, including a skill acquisition center for training boys and girls to become better persons in society. He also oversees Grace International Nigeria that has over 600 affiliated churches.

Dave Walker, Worldwide
Dave Walker was a preacher for 32 years before being called full time onto the missions field to reach the lost. He and his wife Judy travel to the poorest and outermost places of the world, preaching, training and equipping the church and its leadership through Dave Walker Ministries International. His ministry touches leaders on many continents, reaching 46 countries, where he has helped plant hundreds of churches, and has brought salvation, healing and deliverance to many people. DWMI also supports 8 orphanages and 350 pastors and funds the building of many churches and villages each year.