Spanish Ministries
Estimados Hermanos y Consiervos:
Con el profundo deseo de obedecer la Gran Comisión, Gracia Internacional ha establecido cientos de iglesias y ministerios a través del Continente Americano, Africano, Europeo y Asiático. Congregaciones de Habla-Hispana están siendo sembradas en diferentes lugares de esta gran nación. La población hispana, la mayor minoría en Estados Unidos, esta lista para ser tocada y alcanzada por el poder del Evangelio.
Estamos comprometidos a entrenar y enviar a hombres y mujeres que desean obedecer el llamado de Dios sobre sus vidas, para establecer congregaciones y ministerios en todos los rincones de esta tierra. Gracia Internacional tiene muchas iglesias en áreas altamente hispanas, las cuales están deseosas de colaborar en la siembra y el desarrollo de congregaciones hispanas. Nuestros brazos de comunión están abiertos, para edificar un ministerio que activa y vividamente refleja el Cuerpo de Cristo en su totalidad, cruzando las barreras culturales, étnicas y nacionales.
Dear Brethren:
With a heartfelt desire to obey the Great Commission, Grace International has established multiplied hundreds of churches and ministries throughout the Western Hemisphere, Africa, Europe and Asia. Spanish speaking congregations are being planted in different parts of the USA. The Spanish population, America’s largest minority, is ready to be reached and touched with the power of the Gospel.
We are committed to the training and sending of men and women that will obey the call of God in their lives, to establish congregations and ministries throughout this land. Grace International has many churches that are in highly Spanish speaking areas that are eager to be engaged in the planting and rising of Spanish congregations. Our arms of fellowship are open to building a ministry that vividly reflects the Body of Christ in its entirety, crossing cultural, ethnic and national barriers.
— Dario Parish
Pastor Dario Parish is the General Director of the Grace International Latin America (formerly known as Continental Missionary Crusade), a ministry that works in 28 nations around the world, providing ministerial covering to more than 750 congregations and ministries. He also leads the Spanish church-planting arm of Grace International in the United States. He has a passion for developing people, desiring to help them fulfill God’s calling over their lives. Dario travels extensively throughout the world ministering in leadership conferences, sharing themes about the family, marriage and spiritual warfare .